a. To determine the effect of vinegar on chicken bones
b . Knowing the hard bone reaction
c . Understanding the structure of the hard bone and cartilage
B. background
The chicken had bones strong with solid particle composition and light weight scales . Scales are lightweight but heavy bird lets people have the ability to fly or swim for waterfowl . The backbone of the muscles in the neck and can be driven . The backbone forms a rigid structure that gives strength to the body that is strong enough to sustain the movement and activity of the wing ( Akoso , 1993) .
The bones are almost all kinds of poultry are pneumatic ( hollow ) . The hollow space associated with the respiratory system which enables a bird with a broken wing to breathe through the wing . This is a phenomenon that has been noted for a long time on the injured birds by hunters . Twelve percent of the chicken bone structure is a unique type of medullary bone . This is a small bone tissue that binds together a hollow structure with bone marrow and for wild birds as a substance useful for egg formation when low levels of calcium in their feed ( Blakely and Bade , 1991) .
Bones contain living cells and intracellular matrix covered mineral salts . Calcium phosphate materials make up about 80 % and the remaining minerals consisting mostly of calcium carbonate and magnesium phosphate ( Frandson , 1992) .
Sunsum cavity bone during the egg-laying hen infiltrated by bone sunsum system consisting of bone calcium . This section sunsum fill the space with a small soft woven bone and serves to form egg shells when calcium is available in a low feed . This sunsum bones found in hens is physiologically normal , but not found in roosters ( Akoso , 1993) .
Sunsum contained in the shin bone , the femur, pelvis , sternum, ribs , ulna , scapula and nails . Chicks while growing up , which is about 10 days before the first egg formation , began to hold bone sunsum . In the wild chicken , bones produce enough calcium to form calcium levels when the shell is eaten during laying low ( Akoso , 1993) .
Hen bone calcium deposits pets can only meet some egg shell formation . If calcium is low, then after egg-laying chickens more than 6 points , will lose about 40 % of the total bone calcium ( Akoso , 1993) .
C. Tools and materials
1 . tool
· Tweezers / clamp
· Knife / razor
· Glass objects / object
· jar
· Glass cover
· Microscope
· Pipette drops
· Tissue
· Water
2 . material
· Bone chicken thighs
· Bone chicken wing
· Acid vinegar
D. How it works:
1 . Prepare chicken thigh bone that is clean of the remnants of meat attached
2 . Observe the state of the chicken thighs before soaking with a solution of acetic acid , for example hardness , flexibility , color , record observations .
3 . Pour the liquid into a container of vinegar that has been provided .
4 . Close the container tightly using plastic give small hole
5 . Soak the bones for 1 week
6 . After a week of record changes that occur in the bones of the chicken on the observation table
E. Observations
a. Before soaked in vinegar water
· Bone hard
· The bones do not brittle
· Smelling Fishy
· Sum -sum red
· Bone white net
b . Once treated
· Bone bending
· Brittle bones
· Smelling foul
· The bone marrow and destroyed black
· Bone white blackish
a. Images of bone structure
F. discussion
Hard bone structure and cartilage have differences in their constituent elements . The difference is striking that give identity to the bone is cartilage that are flexible and hard bones that are dense and tough like cement . But cartilage can become hard bone in line with the growth experienced by the living creatures . This change meant that the bone can still perform its functions . Just as the baby's skeletal form hyaline cartilage . If the cartilage is not experiencing hardening ( ossification ) , then surely the tools vital body such as the heart and lungs are not well protected . Therefore a process of ossification .
G. conclusion :
If the bone , we soak in an acid solution , there will be changes in the bone structure , such as :
· Her bones will be brittle ,
· Her marrow will change color to black and
· His bones to be very flexible .
H. question
1 . What is the effect of vinegar on the bone ? explain!
2 . Mention the parts of bone that appear on the observations !
1 . Effect of acetic acid on bone is bone elasticity changes after immersion HCl solution , Because
Ca + HCl - > CaCl2 + H2 ,
Thus , the less calcium in the bones because soluble in acid , then under certain conditions , the bone will become flexible / soft due to the composition of Ca in bone is decreased dramatically .
2 . Constituent of bones throughout the body generally we all come from the same material . From the outside to the inside in order to be able to find the layers :
1 . periosteum
2 . compact bone
3 . spongy bone
4 . bone marrow
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